Better than nothing

Hello friends,  Weigh in again today and I’m 15st 5lbs meaning that I’ve only lost 1lb this week. That’s not as good as I hoped but I feel it may have to do with the fact that it’s my time of the month. I’ve only been to the gym 4 times this week so hopefully…

Self control

Hey everyone,  Since I have started this new health and lifestyle regime I have learnt a lot about my relationship with food. It a lot for me to admit and it will take some time to go through.  As people know I have an overeating disorder. It started during my second year if university after…

New year new challenge

Hey everyone,  I have been improving on my exercise over the last few days. I now try and go everyday after work or in the evening if I’m not. It has been difficult to get the momentum going but I feel that I have been succeeding and my confidence is growing.  It is growing so…

15th January 

Hello everyone,  I’m gonna cut right to the point today because unfortunately I have so much stuff that I need to do. I weigh in today at 15st 7lbs so I’ve lost 2lbs this week. I am very happy because it shows that I need to just apply myself and push though this rut that…

Side by Side

I am so happy with the way that my body is changing. It seems that my legs are becoming more defined and I am starting to look slimmer. The white bra is actually new because my other ones are becoming to big for me!

January Photo

Hey everyone my new photos are up as you can see my tummy is starting to look a lot flatter! I am so proud and now cannot wait for what this year has instore for me

15st 5lbs and I’m feeling fine! 

Hey everyone,  As the title says I am now 15st and 5lbs. Ever since I have started this diet I have lost 1st and 5lbs for me this is a great achievement. I am so proud of myself having reached this and I am going to be carrying on with my journey. Photos will be…

Christmas weight 

Hey everyone,  I’m surprised to say that u only put in 1lbs this week. Considering it was Christmas I thought I would put on more. I am going to start going back to the gym from tomorrow now that I’m over my Christmas blowout. I will also be doing my photos on Sunday too! 

Female problems 

Hello,  Don’t want to be too graphical but this week is my period week, this is annoying enough but especially before Christmas and when I have to do overtime at work this is torture for me.  Also the problem with having period is that I don’t feel like working out. Don’t feel like eating healthy….

15st 4lbs and getting lower!

Hello everyone, Just like the title says I am now at 15st 4lbs. This is absolutely amazing for me. I cannot wait for the end of the month I want to get down to 15st exactly before 2017. Even though I am coming to Christmas that does not mean that I will slip away from…

Working girl! 

Gym is going really well. Now I go straight after work, no matter what time I finish. I’m feeling very positive and believe that finally I have sorted myself out. I just hope that everything works out for me x

Starting Again

Hello all,  I know many followers will be wondering what has happened to me the same few weeks. It is safe to say that depression has gotten the better of me. I have been feeling very lonely and deserted so publishing posts has been the last thing on my mind. I have given myself a…